Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Wall

Some times we put up walls to keep people out. However, today, the wall is to limit the depth of our social interaction and to entertain a boring and stagnant existence.


  1. I quite like my social interaction, and don't wish to have a boring nor stagnate existence. My walls are permeable by a select few. and then there are those who choose not to try.

  2. Those who choose not to try what? Social Interaction?
    Personally, I prefer discussing the meaning of our lives over a great meal and a glass or two of wine

  3. those who try not to permeate the "walls" they see or feel or assume are or are not there.

  4. One can not ignore the walls which stand before us. However, some walls, although not impregnable, are better not to climb. I'm always cautious, I do not like feeling as an intruder.

  5. "better not to climb" meaning... not worth the effort.
    You are probably right.

  6. Certainly. However, some are simply too high to climb and some are guarded with broken glass and barbed wire. It may be worth the effort but one may not have the energy nor the endurance for the pain which it may inflict.
