Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Was Not Born In The USA

But I have passionately loved this country since I can remember.
The Fourth of July is particularly special to me. 
For quite some time, I did not know why.
I loved the emotion the day provoked.
Enamored by lights and powder I presumed.
Yet every Fourth, while gazing at the summer skies.
I could not hold back the tears.
I could not comprehend it every year.
One very disappointing Fourth, 
I witness the colorful display in an empty field.
Suddenly, I realized what moved me.
Key’s poem was the culprit.
I finally understood why.
Repeated four times at the end of each paragraph.
Are the words which touched me to tears.
“O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”
Which brings me to the topic of the day.
The necessity of  “Freedom” in our lives.
My fear of loosing it.
For I sincerely believe,
Debt, is the slavery of the free

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