Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Attempt

I thought
Is a glimpse
A fork,
A new direction, which I wish not to pursue at this time.
Instead, I would like to continue in the vein,
Which I was drawing from.
My attempt to prognosticate.
The affects which our new found social media shall have on us. 
How it shall alter us, our family and our interaction with the world at large.
I wish not to be misunderstood, or viewed as one of those “adults” who fear all technology and see all new innovations as evils upon our society.  However, I do recall critics of a game which will definitely date me, Pong.

I have attempted to clearly recall some of the comments I heard from concerned parents when Pong was introduced.   Although at the time, I believed them to be radical.  Today, upon analyzing their thoughts and concerns for their children, they were not that much off target. 

Primarily, of concern was the fear of a generation that would waste countless hours in darkened rooms staring at a television playing a useless game.  A generation which could only create boring repetitious art and music.  A generation of lazy, overweight children, unable to interact with the outside world.  One should not generalize.  However, in some respects, I think they were not that off target.  

As I have stated, my attempt is to get a glimpse of what tomorrow may be and how my actions will impact my children tomorrow.  If in the process of questioning I ruffle some feathers, I'm sorry for that.

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