Monday, January 10, 2011

On Social Responsibility

I have been questioned as to the value of my actions though this daily endeavor.  What am I attempting to accomplish with this blog?  I believed it to be obvious.  However, I hereby make a final attempt to clarify these inquiries and hope this answer suffices.

I believe we are all capable of creating change in our society.  It is essential we take the time to think of where we are heading and where we come from to better evaluate our actions.  We need to question everything and particularly at time of change, we must attempt to decipher the consequences of this change.  It is up to us to make the most of our time to create a better and happier world for our children. 

To accomplish our inquiry thoroughly, we must look at everything from both sides.  We must not only build the plane, but the parachute as well.  Moreover, we must abandon our feeling of despair at the thought that we shall not reap fruit nor shade from the tree we are planting.  Our seedlings shall.

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