Saturday, November 27, 2010


Need I explain its meaning?
When it has only one.
I need only to say,
In my language,
It is finished.


  1. A justifiable stance of brilliance, but also the unfortunate stance of ignorance. Generally time and conversation determine which category you fall into.

    Take for example the commissioning of "the Ecstacy of St. Theresa by Bernini. The blatant, yet ironic sexual reference was completely missed by the church who displayed it proudly in the Santa Maria Della Vittoria. It is now revered as one of the greatest pieces of art of its time in part because of the fact its underlying themes were completely missed by a governing body that would have condemned it.

    On the other hand, take for example a design project by a small architecture firm who includes angles and curves without intent derivation or meaning...

    Neither justify their art to their client both are accepted. ...and yet one is a brilliant piece of sculpture by an exceptional artist and the other a piece of excrement produced by happenstance.

  2. Scotti. When it is finished, it has only one meaning. Otherwise, I have failed.

  3. One meaning to YOU. You, however are not in control of my thoughts (are you?). ...And while I may be "wrong" to YOU, YOU will never know, and neither will I unless we have a conversation (which you never will agree to). Art belongs to the world, I'm afraid your statement is naive. Poetic, but naive.

  4. I did not say I would not have a conversation/discussion. I said I would not explain its meaning. It is hard work, why should I make it easy on you. Ask me a specific question and I will give you a honest answer. Don't ask me to hand over my thoughts without your efforts.
