Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On My Blog

I was recently asked what the was its purpose.  Upon reflection, I began to doubt the purpose and questioned if indeed it was my failed attempt in deceit and self aggrandizement.  I began questioning my feelings and if indeed they were true.  I questioned my aim and if indeed I wanted the public to think more of me that what I thought of myself.  My realization was that I did not have an aim.  I am doing it because I have to.  Because it is what I have always done.  I am ashamed, I must admit.  Ashamed that within its content, there are no earth shattering declarations, no great truths.  Ashamed that they are only simple thoughts, which I feel compelled to conceal in prose and cover with pigment.  In black and white for all to see, are the simple thought of a simple man.  That is all.


  1. what else is there besides simple thoughts of simple men? Everything else is smoke and marketing. I understand the need to express simple thoughts. Not the desire, the need. Keep putting yourself out there, I'm listening.
