Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If It Requires Proof

I can not find much worth on anything which requires to be proven.  It is such that I find no worth in religion.


  1. I don't understand this comment, many things that are proven today were not proven a long time ago...had you lived thousands of years ago, would you have found no worth in the sciences? mathematics?

  2. The things you have mentioned are things which have been proven without the need of blind faith. If steps had not been taken to find out if the earth was flat, I would be on that ship heading towards the horizon.

  3. perhaps those steps will be taken one day in religion...before the two wells were dug and sun angles measured to determine the circumference of the world everyone just believed the blind faith of those who preached that the world was flat. Maybe one day evidence will reveal the same thing for religion...okay probably not but you're right.
