Friday, December 3, 2010

Against my Better Judgment.

I shall dedicate this month to religious thought and the existence of God or a Creator.

I shall begin with a question which was posed to me last night. 
How does one speak to a child regarding the difficult topics which they often choose to address?

A child's questions regarding Religion/God:

My first thought was the fact they are asking the question.  This demonstrates to me that children, all children, are clearly atheistic.  If we did not infect them, I'm certain they would not suffer from the ailments of religion

1 comment:

  1. children are not atheists, they simply don't have a frame of reference. If asked what they think happens when someone dies, all children will come up with something...more often than not, I'm willing to bet it is something imaginative and beautiful.

    I suspect you are correct in the aspect that adults impose religion upon a child as a method of keeping them in line, threatening them, softening drastic events, and perhaps most often avoiding difficult conversations.
