Monday, January 31, 2011

On Despotic Rule

Within every human being exists a deep seated pride for revolt at tyranny.  However, I believe the most effective of all revolts and insurrections, is that of the intelligentsia.  When we are unable to educate ourselves, when information is filtered or withheld, when basic human rights are denied and when an impoverished nation is further humiliated by self interest and indifference for the desires of its peoples from a despot, then it is time for revolt.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

On Government

After thirty years of oppression and corruption, it is time to rectify the ills inflicted by a ruler that has had nothing but self interest and has bankrupt financially and morally a country. The best government and the only government which I can support, is a government which offers the  people the freedom and the opportunity to govern themselves.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


The time our lives 
Are consumed by 
Bitterness and anger,
Of equal proportion
Shall be our inability
For love and happiness.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On Federal Cuts

... is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine. ...???
The hell with the engine.
Attempt to fly it without fuel, you fool.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Some Lead their Lives

By instinct or birth, there are those who compose their lives led solely by self interest.  Prerequisite of such, is a gregarious personality.  A well learned individual.  Whether it is a formal education, or an education of hard knocks, their lives are curiously driven and every action taken has forethought.  Their efforts are seen as rewards, savings.   Their futures established.  They panic at the thought they may grow old without means. They live without the thought they may not grow old nor the realization to the isolation they are cultivating.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Januar 21, 1969

This day was uneventful.
No one of great importance died.
News was led by sports,
The 22nd. All Star NHL game at Montreal
However, for me,
The day shall never be forgotten.

Friday, January 14, 2011

On Work

As the air I breath,
I need to do.
To see a product
See my efforts.
It is incomprehensible to me,
Not to have the ability.
To convert one's ideas,
To things,
How else,
Can I measure my failure?
How can I judge
What I should have accomplished,
With my abilities?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Am Indeed

I have lived my life.
Countless times.
I do so,
Every time I look back.
In satisfaction,
I shall live it,
Every day

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On Critics

I don't bear rancor for my critics.  Actually, I find most criticism constructive.  I'm forced to evaluate what I have at times blindly pursued and in the process, may have lost sight of my aim.  However,  it is when I sense envy from a critic which saddens me.  For I feel they are questioning their own selfworth and believe I possess something they do not.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I No Longer Need Excuses.

I tell you the truth.
Because I dare.
The older I get,
The more I dare.
These are the pitfalls,
Of growing old.
These are the benefits.
I'm still here.
Able to give advice,
Consoled with the knowledge,
Of not being in a position
To give bad examples.

Monday, January 10, 2011

On Social Responsibility

I have been questioned as to the value of my actions though this daily endeavor.  What am I attempting to accomplish with this blog?  I believed it to be obvious.  However, I hereby make a final attempt to clarify these inquiries and hope this answer suffices.

I believe we are all capable of creating change in our society.  It is essential we take the time to think of where we are heading and where we come from to better evaluate our actions.  We need to question everything and particularly at time of change, we must attempt to decipher the consequences of this change.  It is up to us to make the most of our time to create a better and happier world for our children. 

To accomplish our inquiry thoroughly, we must look at everything from both sides.  We must not only build the plane, but the parachute as well.  Moreover, we must abandon our feeling of despair at the thought that we shall not reap fruit nor shade from the tree we are planting.  Our seedlings shall.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Attempt

I thought
Is a glimpse
A fork,
A new direction, which I wish not to pursue at this time.
Instead, I would like to continue in the vein,
Which I was drawing from.
My attempt to prognosticate.
The affects which our new found social media shall have on us. 
How it shall alter us, our family and our interaction with the world at large.
I wish not to be misunderstood, or viewed as one of those “adults” who fear all technology and see all new innovations as evils upon our society.  However, I do recall critics of a game which will definitely date me, Pong.

I have attempted to clearly recall some of the comments I heard from concerned parents when Pong was introduced.   Although at the time, I believed them to be radical.  Today, upon analyzing their thoughts and concerns for their children, they were not that much off target. 

Primarily, of concern was the fear of a generation that would waste countless hours in darkened rooms staring at a television playing a useless game.  A generation which could only create boring repetitious art and music.  A generation of lazy, overweight children, unable to interact with the outside world.  One should not generalize.  However, in some respects, I think they were not that off target.  

As I have stated, my attempt is to get a glimpse of what tomorrow may be and how my actions will impact my children tomorrow.  If in the process of questioning I ruffle some feathers, I'm sorry for that.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Thought

For you,
I do not need to prove it.
For them,
I shall never be able.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What Are We Creating?

Somewhere, long ago,
From someone I loved dearly
I heard her say,
“What we think, we become.”
As a child, I took her literally.
For years and to some extent to this day,
I dream my life awake
With the certainty that I am.
It shall be so.
For I think.
Experience has shown me
That if we are indeed
A product of our thoughts,
Our future is in peril.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Wall

Some times we put up walls to keep people out. However, today, the wall is to limit the depth of our social interaction and to entertain a boring and stagnant existence.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Almost Reached The Ceiling.

Assuming a room
With a standard eight foot (8') CEILING,
With a length of  5 miles (26,400 feet) 
And a width slightly over 6 miles (31,719.19 feet)
Which equals an area of 837,387,084.70 Square Feet (sf)
Filled almost to the ceiling (7.999 feet)
With crisp dollar bills (.0043 inches thick)
Perfectly stacked with no air space,
Would amount to our current National Debt of 
How much longer will it take
To reach the ceiling?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Was Not Born In The USA

But I have passionately loved this country since I can remember.
The Fourth of July is particularly special to me. 
For quite some time, I did not know why.
I loved the emotion the day provoked.
Enamored by lights and powder I presumed.
Yet every Fourth, while gazing at the summer skies.
I could not hold back the tears.
I could not comprehend it every year.
One very disappointing Fourth, 
I witness the colorful display in an empty field.
Suddenly, I realized what moved me.
Key’s poem was the culprit.
I finally understood why.
Repeated four times at the end of each paragraph.
Are the words which touched me to tears.
“O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”
Which brings me to the topic of the day.
The necessity of  “Freedom” in our lives.
My fear of loosing it.
For I sincerely believe,
Debt, is the slavery of the free

Monday, January 3, 2011

If Only

Regrets, I have had a few.
But not enough for me to mention.
Regrets worth mention are only those,
Which bare those two dreaded words.
For regrets due to roads traveled,
Shall be diluted with time.
However, regrets for roads not taken,
Shall have no consolation.
I have had none of that.
I am fortunate to say.
No regrets worthy of mention

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Reason for My Predicament

Since 1938
I have been married
Thirteen times
It was blissful through the forties
The fifties brought me worries.
Through the sixties they surmounted.
In the seventies,
I really began to worry.
Married my ninth,
In 1980
Although famous,
And good looking,
Less appealing
Was her spending.
In 1988
She left me,
Close to ruin.
The nineties
Seemed hopeless.
Two marriages
Nearly killed me.
In the beginning of 2000,
Against my better judgment,
I once again got married.
After eight long years,
Her deceit and spending,
Left me devastated.
In those eight years,
My worries doubled.
Two years ago,
I was happy
To divorce her.
Against my wishes,
I again got married.
I was doubtful,
Very skeptical
I was certain
It would not last.
Not due to race,
Or social standing.
But to the position
She was taking.
My worst, by far,
Has been my last.
Can see the pain,
Can see the struggle,
Can see the future.
Our children will endure.
For an optimist like me,
This is hard to swallow.
After all these years,
An uncertain morrow

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I’m Through With That

Let us hear no more of it.
Let bygone be bygone.
No more insults,
No more pain.
Let us never
Speak of this.
Let us never
Question it.
Now you know,
I’ve told you that.
I do believe,
But not in that.
Let us start this day,
Resolutions to uphold,
Nor promises to keep,
Desperate need
Nor hopeless want.
For you and me,
I wish
Tranquil days and nights
Passion and good fortune.
I wish for us
Peace and Love,